And it is way more expensive than I remember. Aside from the tickets, there was the popcorn, the cotton candy (which was highly anticipated and not really liked), and the princess wand. Yes that is right, I said princess wand. While we were waiting in line to get in the little girl behind us had a Princess wand that lit up with a star on top and spinning stars all around. Kyle wanted one...he didn't want the boy equivalent, he wanted the one with the star on it. I really can't blame him, the one with the star was way better than the boy one with the elephant on top.
Even though it was more than we probably should have spent, you can't beat the look on his face when he saw all the elephants, tigers, clowns and acrobats. He really liked it and was into it. I think we did it at the right age, and fortunately we won't need to do it again for a while...we still have the wand and can just play circus here (minus the chance of being stampeded by wild animals).
The princess wand is fun:

Tigers are pretty cool:

Kyle said the elephants looked cuddly:

More elephants:

Princess wand still cool after being home too:
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