Monday, October 13, 2008

Fall Fest 2008

This weekend was Kinder Farm Park's Annual Fall Fest. Each year Kyle has more fun. There are crafts and games and tons of food and a hayride. We were smart this year and got there early to do all the games (and the air powered corn gun) before it got too crowded.

Daddy and Kyle:

Ring around the Rosey:

Enjoying the hayride:

I wish I remembered what it felt like to be three:

Mommy and Kyle:

Enjoying a tractor ride:

You mean you don't let your kid fire a high powered air gun with his father?

Cotton Candy should always be bigger than your head:

Boot-scootin boogey:

Birthday Week 2008 - A Week In Review

For Brad his birthday commences with a week long celebration, actually it is a week long attempt at trying to have everything go his way.

Kyle and I started the preparations by making Brad's cake, which of course he loved because it involved using the mixer and licking the batter.
On Brad's actual birthday he opened his presents and I think it turns out that the Mario Kart game we got him was just as much fun for Kyle as it was for Brad.

It is amazing how it things change and you can really see the focus is more on the family as a whole than on an individual. We took Kyle with us to Little Italy for a "fancy" dinner and he was great. I think he really enjoyed the whole experience. He loves the city and really liked that we were wearing our fancy clothes (yes, button down shirts are fancy clothes).

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Word Police On Parade

Okay, so when we were discussing words "we" shouldn't say, I guess I really should have said they were words Kyle shouldn't say. Now the word police are out in our house in full effect.

Talking to my neighbor tonight as she was telling me a story I said "Oh my God! What did you do?". Then Kyle chimed in...

Kyle: "Mommy, Mommy, excuse me Mommy"
Me: "Yes sweety"
Kyle: "You said a bad word Mommy"
Me (thinking really hard at what I thought I had last said): "Honey, what did I say?"
Kyle: "You said God"
My Neighbor: Laughing....
Me: "Your right, I should have said oh my goodness"

It is very hard to explain to a three year old, who goes to a Presbyterian school why he should not say "oh my God" but it is okay to say "Thank you God" at school. The religion thing is always throwing me off. I guess I can be thankful that he is at least listening to me when I say there are words we shouldn't say.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Every year we go to the Maryland Renaissance Festival and each year it gets more fun for Kyle. He spends a lot of time people watching and this year he really got into all the music. Everywhere there was music playing he wanted to stop and listen and even enjoyed some good old Bavarian dancing to the accordion (and he didn't even have any beer this year).

We spent a lot of time on the Pirate ship in the kids play area:

I am glad Kyle is still free because we spend his admission on this slide (he did it 5 times)

Super fast ride:

Whoa baby!

Love the wooden bear:

I wish we could all ride on Daddy's shoulder when we are tired of walking:

Doing a little dancing:

First big pretzel:

Oh, you mean it isn't a phone?

Hanging out:

The whole family:

Birthday Fun

Party party party....

Kyle went to a birthday party for my friend Nikki's son, Joseph. He turned two. Laurie and Heather had their boys there too and the little guys all got along great. Nikki made some awesome Sesame Street cupcakes and had a ton of fun toys for the kids to play on. When we got in the car the first words out of Kyle's mouth was how he wanted to go back there and play again.