Playing on the train playground:
More silliness....
Fake teeth were still a real big hit:
And some shades:
And a sweet little tune on a harmonica:
We spent Mother's Day at the Zoo. It has become our annual tradition to go to the zoo and luckily we have had really great weather and a really great time each year.
Polar bears are always cool:
Some fun in the tunnel:
A spin on the scrambler:
The "merry-go-around" is always a must:
Looking at some great stuff with Daddy:
We got a great look at the leopard this year:
The giraffes were up close too:
And we did the camel ride for the first time:
A quick family pic:
Then came the mulch...all 11 yards of the be put down...apparently by us.
The after always looks so good though:
Always having fun:
Oh yeah, and I ran my first 5K ever (34:43)...and my wonderful husband and son surprised me with these flowers (and the 11 yards of mulch) when I got home:
Kyle went to see the Blue Angels in Annapolis with my brother and his family...sadly I was at work...
Waiting for the Blue Angels:
Oh there they are...
Riding his bike with no training wheels...the training wheels are back on because it is really hard to run next to your kid and hold him while he is trying to learn how to ride a bike. We need a new plan.
And the end of the month brings our surge of birthdays. First is Natalie's. I can't believe she is five...where does the time go.
A quick smile for the camera:
Cute cousins playing together:
My bro and his baby:
Oh yeah, Kyle chewed his first piece of gum...and there has been no stopping him ever since...
May is always really busy for us and it is always one of my favorite months. I feel like we get a lot done around here with the new spring awakening and we get to do some really fun stuff too.