He got to see real space suits...
some real rockets...
Do some flight simulators (which by the way...do not fly with my son, he is not very good at it)...
He also manned a small Cessna....
We toured a replica of the first space station...
Learned about some planets....
Apparently not impressed by the U. S. Capitol....
Got to ride the Carousel...which for the record has been broken every time I have been in D.C. except today...
We took a little break waiting for our bike taxi to take us to Mr. Obama's house...
Most people will never get to see this except in images on the news. We are lucky enough to live close by (and I suppose take it for granted most of the time). My (almost) four year old got to see some of our most important landmarks today, and even though he might not totally get it yet...he summed it up tonight by saying his final favorite thing we did today was go to Mr. Obama's house...even though we didn't get to go inside...
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