Ahh yes, the Christmas season is upon us. Kyle is in full swing with Christmas and more importantly Santa this year. He gets it. He loves all the lights and decorations and fun stuff we are doing these days. He makes me tell him almost every night the story of what happens on Christmas Eve. We have seen Lights on the Bay, Homestead Gardens train and light display, made Christmas ornaments, and decorated the tree. He has taken it all in and it truly is magical to see everything through his eyes. He loves to turn on Christmas all over the house - we connected remote controls to the outside lights and the Christmas village, and put the other lights on switches so he can control them all. It really is my favorite time of year and even more so now that we have him to share it with. He was in a Christmas Pageant at school this year. The three-year-old class were shepherds and had to sing four lines from 'Away in a Manger'. They were really cute. Cuter than cute actually. It was one of my favorite Christmas things ever.
Getting ready for Lights on the Bay means PJ's in the car:

Lights on the Bay:

Making Christmas ornaments (not cookies):

Scenes from the Christmas card photo shoot:

Decorating the little tree in the family room is all Kyle's job:

My Christmas shepherd:

Too cute:

Decorating the real tree:
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