Okay, so when we were discussing words "we" shouldn't say, I guess I really should have said they were words Kyle shouldn't say. Now the word police are out in our house in full effect.
Talking to my neighbor tonight as she was telling me a story I said "Oh my God! What did you do?". Then Kyle chimed in...
Kyle: "Mommy, Mommy, excuse me Mommy"
Me: "Yes sweety"
Kyle: "You said a bad word Mommy"
Me (thinking really hard at what I thought I had last said): "Honey, what did I say?"
Kyle: "You said God"
My Neighbor: Laughing....
Me: "Your right, I should have said oh my goodness"
It is very hard to explain to a three year old, who goes to a Presbyterian school why he should not say "oh my God" but it is okay to say "Thank you God" at school. The religion thing is always throwing me off. I guess I can be thankful that he is at least listening to me when I say there are words we shouldn't say.