Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ocean City 2008

Yes, thats right...I said it...Ocean City. The most overpopulated beach resort anywhere...but it is only a little over 2 hours away and you can't grow up in Maryland without having been to a Dough Roller, Dumsers Dairyland, Candy Kitchen, Jolly Roger's, or on the Boardwalk. So off we went, and I must say we had a really good time. We had the best weather ever - low 80's and no rain or humidity.

Here is the list of our week's events:
  1. Beach, Beach, Beach, and Waves (Grammy is not good at waves)
  2. Miniature Golf
  3. Pier/Boardwalk
  4. Jolly Roger's Rides (he went on every ride he could...and wanted to do the bigger ones too)
  5. Bike Riding (yes, you can fit 4 adults and 2 kids on one bike)
  6. Sea Rocket Boat Ride
  7. Kite Flying (let the string all the way out)
  8. Jelly Fish Hunting
  9. Wii Playing
  10. Ice Cream Eating
  11. Dolphin Watching

It was a pretty fun filled week. The kids had a great time together and Kyle had a ton of favorite things each day.

A couple of shots from the week:

First night on the beach (before getting all wet from the waves):

Digging in the sand (all the pictures of this look exactly the same):

Riding on the highest Ferris fear:

Kite flying is fun...especially if you let all the string out:

What do you mean you can hear the ocean in a shell?

Bike rides on a Surrey Bike are fun:

Family fun:

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