I decided to start blogging. Everyone is doing it - it is all the rage. In actuality, I discovered that the older I get, the less ability I have to recollect all of the little everyday events that make having a two and half year old memorable. So consider this my 'corporate memory'.
It seems appropriate to start this at Christmastime, there is a lot to talk about. Kyle is completely and totally into Christmas. He loves the music (we have been listening to Christmas music on the radio for three weeks straight), he loves the lights, he loves decorating, he LOVES Santa, and he loves all the Christmas stories. He also loves presents and everyone has been trying to involve him in the present making or buying...there is one little concept he doesn't quite get and that is the word "surprise". He gets very excited about doing the projects or going shopping, but the poor boy just can't keep a secret.
At dinner the other night I was asking him about his day out with Daddy. They went to get a haircut and had a lollipop and saw Santa Claus at the mall - as he was telling me all of this he got a big grin on his face and promptly exclaimed "and we got mommy slipper-socks". My husband told him that was a surprise (yes I asked for slipper socks) and Kyle just smiled big and I laughed and playfully asked what else they got Mommy. "Bear jammies!" he exclaimed - even more proud of himself. My husband claims I am ruining Christmas and that he is never taking Kyle shopping again.
Kyle's teacher puts together a monthly class calendar to discuss all the activities they are doing for the month. This month there were three days with "Secret Santa" activities. I of course assumed this meant they were making the parents some secret project. Even though I know most of the activities they are doing in school, pulling the info out of Kyle when I pick him up is like pulling teeth - a lot of this: Mommy: "What did you do today" Kyle: "I don't know". I am sure he is practicing for his teenage years. When I picked him up this week he needed no prompting and exclaimed "I made a card for Mommy and a card for Daddy - its a surprise!"
Lastly, today I picked him up from my in-laws and he took one look at me and said "I made Mommy a present and Daddy a present", then he looked right at his Grammy and started to laugh. It is hard to believe this is the same child who will look right at you point blank and lie about having to use the potty. Maybe 'surprise' will be a concept that sinks in next year, right now I am enjoying the Christmas magic in our house.