It is really funny and interesting to see how Kyle's mind works. His new thing he is interested in is 'words'. He has mastered all his upper and lower case letters and now he likes that letters make words. If we are looking at a book and he wants you to read it to him he will ask you to "tell the words on the page". It is really cute and will make you want to read anything to him.
He watches a show called
Word World on PBS that he loves and they are always making words out of letters and 'building words'. There is a cute little song that goes along with building a word and if you are lucky he will sing and dance for you while building a word. If you haven't seen the show and you have little kids I highly recommend it. I guess in trying to process all this he has started looking around at various things with letters on them and trying to tell you what the word is. For example, he picked up a book loaned to me by my mother-in-law (Grammy) and the following took place:
Kyle: "What is this book?"
Me: "It's a book that Grammy let me borrow."
Kyle: (Looking at the authors name and saying the letters one at a time)"' D' 'E' 'B' 'B' 'I' 'E' 'M' 'A' 'C' 'O' 'M' 'B' 'E' 'R' spells Grammy's Book".
I started laughing and told him that was the authors didn't actually say Grammy's book.
Tonight he was looking a picture frame in his room that has the word BABY written on it. The rest went like this:
Kyle:" 'B' 'A' 'B' 'Y' "
Me: "Do you know what that spells?"
Kyle: (looking very proud) "Picture!"
According to Brad:
Kyle: (looking at the back of our toilet) "'K' 'O' 'H' 'L' 'E' 'R' - Toilet!"
Makes perfect sense to me.