The baby monitor has become Kyle's personal intercom system and lately he is very into telling stories about how you do something with great detail. So, the other night he was telling me and Brad how the baby monitor worked. It goes something like this (he is holding the monitor like a walkie talkie).
"If you need Mommy or you need anything all you do is say Mommy I have a problem or Mommy I need something and Mommy comes."
After we put him to bed this was the scene. Over the monitor I hear "Mommy I need you." So I went upstairs and he tells me he can't find puppy (one of his main stuffed animals). I begin looking around on the ground and asking him if he tossed puppy out or if puppy fell out of the crib. He says no and then starts saying "Puppy where are you? Where did he go...I don't know where he is". It is about this time that I realize we are now playing hide and seek with puppy. So I lifted up his covers and low and behold there is puppy. Kyle exclaims "Oh there you are puppy" with a huge smile on his face. I tucked him back in and went downstairs.
About twenty minutes later I hear him again - "Mommy I need help, help me Mommy." I tredge up the stairs once again to find Kyle laying in his bed with his pajamas unzipped down to his knee. He looks up at me with these sad eyes and says "I can't zip my jammies." I asked him why they were unzipped and he said "I don't know", then he thought about for a second and said "My knee was itchy." How can you resist?